Insurance Careers for Attorneys: Opportunity in Expected—and Unexpected—Places (21st Century Legal Career Series) (Volume 11)

By Richard L. Hermann.

Insurance Careers for Attorneys: Opportunity in Expected—and Unexpected—Places (21st Century Legal Career Series) (Volume 11)


Build a legal career in one of the hottest 21st century employment arenas! In his 21st Century Legal Career Series, Richard L. Hermann researches, evaluates, and predicts where the employment opportunities are and will be for law graduates. Volume 11 , Insurance Careers for Attorneys: Opportunity in Expected—and Unexpected—Places, shines a spotlight on a rich environment for law jobs. To say that insurance is booming is a decided understatement. The insurance industry is doing very well and continues to thrive regardless of the ups and downs of the global and national economies....


1946228214, 9781946228215


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